It's time we gather as an interfaith community to state, unequivocally, that equality for women shouldn’t stop at the doors of our churches, shrines, synagogues and mosques.


The marginalization of women anywhere matters to all of us. Equal in Faith was founded in 2013 by an interfaith coalition of women to call attention to the need for gender justice in religion.

While women serve as priests and in positions of religious and ritual authority in a growing number of faiths, they still are denied ordination to the priesthood and equitable inclusion in far too many religious traditions.  We refuse to tolerate discrimination against women in our secular institutions.  Why, then, do we accept it in our religious institutions?

We have faith that religion can be interpreted to liberate rather than subjugate women. Like many, we ask, which will we choose? Through a series of interfaith initiatives, we want to ignite a conversation about maintaining what we value in our religious traditions while transforming them–and our communities–into more inclusive and equitable places.


2015 Fast for Gender Equality

On March 8th 2015, Equal in Faith organizers and supporters will host local interfaith gatherings to:

1) Raise awareness about the marginalization of women in our faith communities;

2) Ignite a conversation about maintaining what we value in our religious traditions while transforming them into more inclusive and welcoming communities;

3) Call for the equitable inclusion of women in religious traditions that persist in excluding them from positions of religious and spiritual authority

 See the map below to find a gathering near you.

Open Sister, Carry On in a new tab to listen while navigating the website.

How to take action:

Attend an event near you: See Map below

Share your solidarity or a photo on social media using the hashtag: #EqualinFaith

Pray or Fast: Equal in Faith Prayer Service Resources

“Like” and share the Equal in Faith Facebook page

Watch and share the 2015 Equal in Faith Video








Equal In Faith March 8 Events


4 + 5 =

March 8 Event







